Colortape Film Festival - Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Colortape Film Festival
Amsterdam city, Netherlands
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Greetings from Colortape in Brisbane! Please help us market and share this proposal on business platforms, business social media and entrepreneurs platforms.

We are looking for somebody interested to expand their existing business to run a film festival event once a year in the area where you live/operate your business.
Was wondering if you would you be interested? details can be found here...

The web link was meant to be a dedicated page for the franchise but hasn't been updated since I had the original idea to franchise it, however there are no restrictions on the partnership as long as it is conducted within your own area/city/state.

We want to keep it simple to start with just need to find somebody keen and  
Show more willing to spend a bit of time in organizing the event once a year, on a weekend of a whole week around April-May (every year, just before the end of the Australian financial year) and can build your own revenue through self- marketing/sponsorship (eg: red carpet premier) to grow the event and to keep you going, which can be turned into a good show with an opportunity to mingle with VIP, sponsors, film and entertainment industries, while giving you lots of other opportunities if you are a keen enthusiast entrepreneur, besides your current skills, experience and business line.

What I can provide:

1. We will provide the material (yearly) the films submitted from around the world,

2. We will also provide the registered web link to your own portal or gig (content design and model to our franchise needs to be the same in every part of the world as part of the requirement), but you will have complete control, access and flexibility on your own advertising and promotion of digital content (feature your own adverts & related sponsorship).

3. A 3 year + 2 year optional franchise contract (FREE of Fees and charges first 3 years) to entitle you to organize and run the event in your area/city/state (except Qld, WA)

4. After first 3 years we must set a KPI to meet the growth targets, Negotiable. Must prove a degree of success and interest in the event. Sky is the limit if successful.

What you need (as part of the partnership):

1. To find a venue (indoor/outdoor) to screen the event once a year (around the middle of the year) choose and pick the number of films to showcase! Whenever and how long for!

2. Must have your Own public liability insurance and assume responsibility, pay your taxes (VAT/GST) according to your local laws. Follow and implement and practice your local labour hire and business operations laws.

3. Do your own advertising/marketing of the event you are organizing (social media, blogs, newspapers etc).

4. Can organize your own panel of judges (VIP invites, business/corporate) and select your own winners and runner-ups (of submitted films by filmmakers), audience preferences etc..

Note: can involve your local shire/council (partnership)

All other Terms and Conditions are negotiable.

If you think that there is an opportunity to bring mostly high quality (HD) international and some local film to your local audience, at NO COST, and if you would like to get involved in organizing a local community screening event then please let me know.


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