The Art Bowl - Amsterdam, Netherlands
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The Art Bowl
Tweede Kostverlorenkade, 8H, Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Claudia CameronCompany manager
Claudia CameronEstablishment year
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Company description
The Art Bowl stands for all the white walls of Europe, that are in desperate need of beautiful art. The Art Bowl is an online platform where unique digital art images are made available in a limited edition. From design to photography if is made on a digital machine; it can be found on The Art Bowl.
Digital art is a form of contemporary art, where the computer plays a pivotal role. The images and graphics are created by graphic designers, art directors and talented students. The works and creations are often commissioned or produced as a hobby but rarely are designed with the intention to be labeled as 'art'.
The Art Bowl specializes in "digital art". Digital images royalty-free and available in limited edition for the consumer, then printed by making use of high-quality printing
The collection of The Art Bowl consists of curated digital art which is Limited Edition is offered through the online platform. All works and designs are scouted by The Art Bowl founder Claudia Cameron 24/7 looking for unique digital images. Cameron wants to make art affordable and accessible for this reason and works only in conjunction with creatives instead of professional artists.
"Art is a complement to any interior. But art is not accessible for everyone allowing the purchase of a unique or limited work virtually impossible. The Art Bowl makes art affordable and accessible making it possible to let them change the art on your wall with the seasons, fashion or your home."
Digital art is a form of contemporary art, where the computer plays a pivotal role. The images and graphics are created by graphic designers, art directors and talented students. The works and creations are often commissioned or produced as a hobby but rarely are designed with the intention to be labeled as 'art'.
The Art Bowl specializes in "digital art". Digital images royalty-free and available in limited edition for the consumer, then printed by making use of high-quality printing
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techniques, and then securely delivered. Full service and at a (very) affordable price.The collection of The Art Bowl consists of curated digital art which is Limited Edition is offered through the online platform. All works and designs are scouted by The Art Bowl founder Claudia Cameron 24/7 looking for unique digital images. Cameron wants to make art affordable and accessible for this reason and works only in conjunction with creatives instead of professional artists.
"Art is a complement to any interior. But art is not accessible for everyone allowing the purchase of a unique or limited work virtually impossible. The Art Bowl makes art affordable and accessible making it possible to let them change the art on your wall with the seasons, fashion or your home."
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